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Bring the Returnity Kit to your workplace

Retain working parents in your organization by arming them with a toolkit to support their return to work from parental leave

On average, it costs companies


each time an employee chooses not to return to work after welcoming a child

And when 43% of highly qualified women opt out or off-ramp from work after having children, that's a significant impact to your bottom line.

Nine of out ten US fathers consider paid parental leave important when looking for a new job. However, most fathers significantly shorten their leaves, citing workplace pressures and perceived stigmas as a factor of the length they choose to take.

Parental leave alone is not enough.

On-boarding programs to transition parents back to work, as well as cultural displays of support, are a critical component of attracting and retaining valuable employees, while equalizing the gender balance of parenting.

Our turnkey kits offer an effective and meaningful solution

Start With A Returnity Kit

Work with us to bring Returnity Kits to your workplace

Reduce logistics and infrastructure costs using our cost-effective & curated return to work solution

Customize Kit communications to incorporate your brand identity, messages from leadership & company specific resources.

Add-on access to our exclusive resources hub. Include organizational wide employees like non-parents & managers in learning and support.

Contact us to customize a Returnity Kit package for your organization

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